Buy and sell privacy-friendly advertising in iOS apps
The iOS advertising platform that doesn't track users.
For marketers & advertisers
Partner with apps your customers love
Sponsoring an app lets you have complete control over where your brand is being positioned. You negotiate the rate, duration and design of the ad to resonate with your target audience. Build a relationship with your audience before they become your customers.
For publishers & developers
Sustainable income on your terms
Now you can monetise your app without compromising user privacy. Sponsorships are agreed between you and the advertiser, so you decide what gets advertised in your app. As your app grows, so do your sponsorship opportunities.
For everyone else
Privacy you can trust
Not Evil Ads collects no aggregated user data. The ads you see are based on the target audience for the app, not data on you.
Help build better advertising.
Sign up for the Not Evil Ads beta and get notified when we launch.